This feature lets you filter through your patient list according to the parameters you choose. The filtered selection is going to show every patient with at least one of the selected tag(s).
1. Log in to CareSimple.
2. In the Patient tab, click on Filters.
3. A new window will open with different parameters to select to filter your patient list. You can filter through Alerts level, Tags, Programs, Assignee, Patient's status and Clinical time.
Filtering by Alerts lets you select the severity you want to see in the patient tab.
Filtering by Tags lets you select the specific tags you want to see. For more information about how to set your Care Group's tags, click here.
Filtering by Assignee lets you see only the patients assigned to the selected Assignees.
Filtering by patient status lets you see the patient with the specific status you selected. For more information about patient statuses, click here.
Filtering by Clinical Time lets you see patients with a specific range of Clinical Time on them. You will need to enter a minimum and a maximum number of minutes before being able to apply the filter
4. You can always remove a filter by clicking on the X icon beside them. You can also clear all filters applied with the Clear button on the upper right corner of the window. Click on Apply to confirm.
5. The number of patients left after the filter is shown above the Search bar.
6. The filters are shown by type, but you can hover over them to see more information about each of them.
7. If your filter is too strict, you can always remove a filter directly from the Patient tab by clicking on the X icon in the upper right corner of the filter.
8. The number of patients will then be updated accordingly.
If you wish to save your filters for another time, please refer to this article to create a View.