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Navigating the patient's Vital Sign tab

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Navigate the Vital Signs tab

1. Log in to CareSimple.

2. On the left-hand side of the dashboard is a Patients icon to access the patient list when necessary. Press on the name of the patient of interest to access its profile.

3. You will find the patient's graph arriving in the Vital Signs tab. Scroll down to see the observations.

Navigate the graph

1. Choose the date range of displayed measurements by using the dropdown menu. The monthly range is set by default. Use the "Custom Date Range" to set your preferred range.

2. Scroll down to find the observations. Select which observation to view on the graph by checking on them.

Scatter view

5. Navigate on the graph with your cursor to obtain more details about each value. Placing the cursor on a point gives information about the time the measurement was taken, the type of measurement, and the specific value. Also, the colours of the points tell about the risk level of the measurement (red meaning a very high value, yellow meaning a high value, and green meaning a normal value).

6. Highlighting a specific part of the graph allows to change the axis and to focus on the highlighted part of the graph. Press on the magnifier to get back to the original state.


1. All observations are showing on a vertical table below the graph. This table shows you all the measurements taken by the patient in the same day in an horizontal line.

View Reference Ranges

Reference ranges determine the colour of measurements. Consult them any time.

1. The colour of the measurement indicates the risk level (red meaning very high or very low values, yellow meaning high or low values, and green meaning normal values).

Add measurements

1. To manually add vitals, click on +ADD VITAL.

2. Select the vitals type you want to add and then the values. Click on Submit to confirm.

For more information about how to add or delete vitals from a patient's chart, click here

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